Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Peanut was way tired from her adventure with my dad and stepmom, so we slept in until about 10ish.  When we finally got up it was pretty apparent Grammy was in a crappy mood.  I really didn't want to feel crappy too.  We got ready quickly and left for bubbies.  After a bunch of confusion, we had lunch with mister and took peanut to the water park.  

When the water was off, I was pushing her on the swings when an unattended child walked too close to the swing and peanut swung into her.  It took a few minutes to locate the mom and when she did come she looked annoyed with me!  Am I crazy for thinking parents should be watching their children at the park?!  

Then we went back to bubbies.  Peanut took a bath, I made whipped cream and cut up strawberries for dinner.  Next it was off to papa Karl's.  We were there for just a short,time to talk about details for bugs baby naming Friday, took a Mother's Day picture, and a brief hello to uncle g.  

Had a super dinner with the in-laws.  Peanut locked all the children including herself in the bedroom.  She finally unlocked the door, but it was a little scary for a second.  

I'm still hoping to make a wreath for bubbie tomorrow.  

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